Tuesday 9 February 2021

Y13: Lamia | Lesson 4

Orpheus and Eurydice
Oh hi Year 13,


Here’s lesson 4 of Lamia and the final lesson of this half-term. Today, we'll meet Lycius and find out what happens when he sets his eyes on the re-born Lamia.


Apologies for the state of my video today. It’s a tricky extract and I needed to make a lot of edits! It might be a bit rough in places, and the edits eventually make the lip synching go a bit wonky. Let me know if there's anything that confuses.


Everything you need is on this powerpoint:


Your Section Cs and faery Crete paragraphs will be with you before the end of Friday.


Let me know if you need anything.


Have a great half-term!


Mr M

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