Monday, 8 February 2021

Y12: Lockdown Lit Week 6 | The Ambush

Hello Y12,


Well, we’re suddenly into the final act and the penultimate scene! Today’s scene is all action, chaos and confusion. We’ll see Iago scrambling to keep everything together.


The work should be do-able within the two hours of lesson time today. Here’s a rough idea of what you have to do to help you to divide the work into two hours. You might be able to plan your paragraph at the end of the first lesson:


First lesson:

Keats recap (10-15 mins)

Watch the scene (5 mins)

Read the scene (15 mins)

Watch video/annotate the first part of the scene (20 mins)


Second lesson:

Plan paragraph (5 mins)

Write paragraph (15 mins)

Watch video/annotate the rest of the scene (30 mins)

Exit quiz (10 mins)


You’ll find all the work on this powerpoint:


Let me know if you have any problems or need any help.


Mr M

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