Wednesday 3 February 2021

Y13: Lamia | Lesson 2

Hello Year 13,

Here’s lesson 2 of Lamia.


Today, you’ll be doing the following:


  • an Othello recap quiz
  • a reminder of key ideas from last time
  • some reading and annotation
  • a 10-minute paragraph task
  • an exit quiz


I estimate that there’s 80-90 minutes of work here, so it’s today's lesson plus a bit of independent learning to do when you can fit it in before Monday.

Apologies if there’s confusion on the video. I started showing you pictures and then convinced myself you couldn’t see them, then realised later that you could. I’m an idiot. I may have hidden it in the edit. 


Everything you need is on this powerpoint:


Give me a shout if you get stuck.


Mr M

P.S. I've started using powerpoint even though I don't usually like it for teaching; it means that my resources are pretty but my file sizes are out of control. Let me know if there are any problems.

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