Thursday, 25 February 2021

Y12: Lockdown Lit 7.2 | Emilia speaks out

Oh hi Y12,


Last time, we reached the dramatic death of Desdemona. Today, our attention turns to Emilia. The video is a bit long today as I wanted us to crack through a lengthy section to put us in position to focus solely on the tragic hero next week. So it’s just recap, reading and annotations, exit quiz.


You’ll find all the work on this powerpoint:

Any always, give me a shout if you need any help.


Mr M

Tuesday, 23 February 2021

Y12: Lockdown Lit Week 7 | Othello: The Murder

Welcome back Y12,


We’ve made it to the final, climactic scene of Othello!

We’ll probably get to the end of the play just in time for our return to school. At that point, we’ll do an essay or two and then get cracking on some more Keats. Despite everything, we're pretty much where I was with my Y12s last year before any time was lost to lockdowns. So we're doing well and haven't really lost any time.

You’ll find a full two hours of work on this powerpoint:

As always, let me know if you have any problems or need any help.


Mr M

Tuesday, 9 February 2021

Y13: Lamia | Lesson 4

Orpheus and Eurydice
Oh hi Year 13,


Here’s lesson 4 of Lamia and the final lesson of this half-term. Today, we'll meet Lycius and find out what happens when he sets his eyes on the re-born Lamia.


Apologies for the state of my video today. It’s a tricky extract and I needed to make a lot of edits! It might be a bit rough in places, and the edits eventually make the lip synching go a bit wonky. Let me know if there's anything that confuses.


Everything you need is on this powerpoint:


Your Section Cs and faery Crete paragraphs will be with you before the end of Friday.


Let me know if you need anything.


Have a great half-term!


Mr M

Monday, 8 February 2021

Y12: Lockdown Lit Week 6 | The Ambush

Hello Y12,


Well, we’re suddenly into the final act and the penultimate scene! Today’s scene is all action, chaos and confusion. We’ll see Iago scrambling to keep everything together.


The work should be do-able within the two hours of lesson time today. Here’s a rough idea of what you have to do to help you to divide the work into two hours. You might be able to plan your paragraph at the end of the first lesson:


First lesson:

Keats recap (10-15 mins)

Watch the scene (5 mins)

Read the scene (15 mins)

Watch video/annotate the first part of the scene (20 mins)


Second lesson:

Plan paragraph (5 mins)

Write paragraph (15 mins)

Watch video/annotate the rest of the scene (30 mins)

Exit quiz (10 mins)


You’ll find all the work on this powerpoint:


Let me know if you have any problems or need any help.


Mr M

Sunday, 7 February 2021

Y13: Lamia | Lesson 3

Hello Year 13,


Today, we’ll find out what happens when the serpent Lamia has her wish granted.


This should all be do-able in an hour, especially if you speed the video up slightly. Everything you need is on this powerpoint:

I’ll be sending feedback on your Section B essays and your faery Crete paragraphs over the next day or so.


Let me know if you need anything.


Mr M

Wednesday, 3 February 2021

Y13: Lamia | Lesson 2

Hello Year 13,

Here’s lesson 2 of Lamia.


Today, you’ll be doing the following:


  • an Othello recap quiz
  • a reminder of key ideas from last time
  • some reading and annotation
  • a 10-minute paragraph task
  • an exit quiz


I estimate that there’s 80-90 minutes of work here, so it’s today's lesson plus a bit of independent learning to do when you can fit it in before Monday.

Apologies if there’s confusion on the video. I started showing you pictures and then convinced myself you couldn’t see them, then realised later that you could. I’m an idiot. I may have hidden it in the edit. 


Everything you need is on this powerpoint:


Give me a shout if you get stuck.


Mr M

P.S. I've started using powerpoint even though I don't usually like it for teaching; it means that my resources are pretty but my file sizes are out of control. Let me know if there are any problems.

Monday, 1 February 2021

Y12: Lockdown Lit Week 5 | The Willow Scene

Hello Y12,


Today, we’re going to watch, read, annotate and interpret the ‘Willow scene’. If it comes to a question about the women in the play or a Desdemona question, this is the key scene. Then later in the week, we’ll focus our ideas on critical perspectives and write a paragraph.


You’ll find all the work on this powerpoint (click to download or view below):


Let me know if you have any problems or need any help.


Mr M

Y13: Lamia | Lesson 1

'The Kiss of the Enchantress' by
Isobel Lilian Gloag, inspired by
Keats's Lamia (1890)
Hello Year 13,


Let’s get cracking with Keats’s Lamia: it’s over 700 lines long, it’s packed with classical allusions, it’s confusing as hell – but we’ve saved the best till last. (Not sure I 100% agree with that. I’m still deciding.) Here we go…


This lesson, you’re going to work through this powerpoint (download using the link or view below) which contains links to all the resources you’ll need.


You’ll also need your anthology and some paper to make notes. The lesson may take just over an hour, so I guess there’s a bit of independent learning in there too. I’ll try to be snappier in future.


In this introductory lesson, you’ll get a reminder of some key Keatsian ideas, some background, some annotations for the opening lines, and, of course, a quiz. Enjoy!


There are plenty of useful websites to help you if you get stuck with this poem. Here are some good ones I’ve found. I’ll add them to the ‘links’ section down the right of the screen later:



I’ll be back on Wednesday with a lesson to take you to the end of the opening section (the first 150 lines) of Lamia.


See you later,


Mr M