Monday 1 June 2020

Lockdown Literature 8.1

The Beguiling of Merlin by Edward Burne-Jones
Hello again,

I hope you all had a good half-term and enjoyed a bit of sunshine. Who knows, maybe we’ll meet again soon as schools are starting to re-open to some years this month. But no news yet on when we'll be back. In the meantime, we’ll continue to plod through Keats’s The Eve of St Agnes.

Here’s today’s work (to be completed by Thursday 4th June):

1) Do this recap quiz on lines 113-194 of The Eve of St Agnes.

2) Read this information about Merlin and his infatuation with the Lady in the Lake in Arthurian legend:

This allusion has caused a lot of confusion. What might be the significance of it?

3) Read and annotate lines 195-250 of The Eve of St Agnes. You can find my annotations here, or use this or this or this study guide.

Optional extras:

  • Make some notes on the two main characters (this will help you on a later writing task):

That’s it for now. If you do manage to write a Spenserian stanza, please do send it to me. I might do one myself.

Let me know if you need anything.

Mr M

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