Tuesday 19 January 2021

Y13: Revision | Paper 1 Section B

 Hello again Y13,


Next up: Section B (the Othello essay) – 50 mins


This is the trickiest question on the paper. It requires you to go through the following steps:


  • interpret the key words in the question
  • understand the debate you are entering into, and your position on it
  • decide on a sensible starting point and key moments to explore
  • structure a coherent line of argument
  • analyse the writer’s dramatic methods as you write
  • reach a confident conclusion


That’s a lot to juggle. The initial thinking about interpreting the question and deciding the structure is make-or-break, and it can lead to vastly different responses to the same question. In contrast, Section A is formulaic and Section C is much easier to focus and plan an argument.


We need to practice the planning stage of Section B questions… LOTS.


Here’s another powerpoint from a senior examiner on our A Level spec to help you with Section B. It contains some practice questions, lots of advice and a sample answer.


This document contains more practice questions, both for Section B & Section C (but more on C tomorrow):


Don’t forget, I’ve already posted model Section B answers here and here and here and here.


Next time – Section C. Won’t be long.


Mr M

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