Monday 18 May 2020

Lockdown Literature 7.1

Hi all,

Apologies for the delay with some of the essay feedback. I’ve been a bit bogged down in KS3 planning, but I should get back to the rest of you today… tomorrow at the latest. I have finished my Section C essay though and I’ll send it out via email today.

Just one week to go until half-term!

Here’s today’s work (to be completed by Thursday):

1) Do this quiz on the background and first 75 lines of The Eve of St Agnes.

2) Make a copy of this question sheet and answer the questions. Send me a copy or share a link when you’re done.

3) Read and annotate lines 76-112 of The Eve of St Agnes. You can find my annotations here, or use this or this. Don’t forget about this study guide too.

4) Fill in the next section of this The Eve of St Agnes on a page document:

That’s all for now. Let me know if you need any help.

Mr M

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