Thursday, 4 March 2021

Y12: Lockdown Lit 8.2 | To die upon a kiss

Hello Y12,


Here it is. We’ve reached the end of Othello.


I’ve kept it fairly simple today as I know a few of you need to get caught up so that we’re ready for next week. So, it’s just reading, three questions to get your reactions to the ending, annotations and quick exit quiz. This should be do-able inside an hour.


You’ll find all the work on this powerpoint:

See you next week!


Mr M

Tuesday, 2 March 2021

Y13: Lamia | Lesson 6

Oh hi Year 13,


Our last remote lesson, surely?


Today, we’ll get up to the end of Part 1 and we’ll be wrestling with some big ideas which provide keys to unlock the meanings in this poem. 

I feel like I’ve just waffled a bit in the video, but there are some important ideas in there. Please ask if there’s anything that needs explaining more clearly.


Everything you need is on this powerpoint:

Thanks for all your hard work. See you next week!


Mr M

Monday, 1 March 2021

Y12: Lockdown Lit 8.1 | Journey's end

Hello again Y12,


Last time, we paused at the death of Emilia. Today, we’ll look at our penultimate chunk of the text, leaving the final lines for Friday.


Here’s a breakdown of what our work today involves:

1) Revision/memorisation of La Belle Dame sans Merci (10 mins)

2) Watching the final 20 minutes of the National Theatre Othello (if you haven’t already) (20 mins)

3) Annotating an extract (10 mins)

4) Reading and annotating (20 mins)

5) Writing an introductory paragraph on the extract (10 minutes to prep, 10 minutes to write)

6) A second annotation video (20 minutes)

7) Exit quiz (5 mins)


This should all be achievable within the two lessons.


You’ll find all the work on this powerpoint:


Let me know if you need anything.


Mr M

Y13: Lamia | Lesson 5

Hello Year 13,


Thanks for all your hard work on the coursework! I’ll get to work on marking those tomorrow so that we can do feedback on our return to school.


I know some of you will still be beavering away at coursework to get it handed in today, so there isn’t too much for you to do on Lamia: recap, read and annotate, exit quiz. That’s it.


Everything you need is on this powerpoint:

Let me know if you need anything!


Mr M