Sunday 29 March 2020

Lockdown Literature 2.1

Hi folks,

I'm keeping things simple today as we're still getting everyone up to speed and I don't anyone to fall behind. Some of you have had to play catch-up with the Desdemona essay and several of you were self-isolating in the last week. Well done for catching up and thanks for the essays. I just have a couple left to mark.

First, a couple of reminders if you're still catching up:

And now for today's work (to be completed by Thursday): 

1) Read Isabella lines 226-337. Make some initial annotations using the resources on the previous blogpost. I'll add more of my notes later.

2) Update your summary sheet:

3) Make notes on the following questions. You can print the doc or download it to add your notes.


Please let me know if you need any help. 

Mr M


Thursday 26 March 2020

Lockdown Literature 1.2

Hi folks,

First, a reminder of where you should be:
  • You should have read and annotated up to stanza XXII of Isabella.
  • 'Isabella on a page' should be completed up to XXII.
  • Stanzas 14-22 recap (on the brothers) should be done.

In addition, you should make sure:
  • your Desdemona essay is emailed to be by Friday, if you haven't done it already
  • you spend some time organising your folder/notes before school resumes

Here's the next set of three tasks - to be completed by Monday 30th March.   

1) Complete this quiz on Isabella & Keats.

2) Read lines 177-225 of Isabella and fill in the next two rows on 'Isabella on a page' (XXIII-XXVI & XXVII-XXVIII - see pic below)

3) Use one of the following resources to annotate your anthology from 177-225:

Not too much this week. I want to give those of you who have missed lessons a chance to get caught up.

If you are up to speed and want a little more to do, here are some extras:

1) Take a look at the Othello stuff on this thread from MASSOLIT

2) Quiz yourself on Othello quotes.
3) Read your Connell Guide to Othello. 

I hope this is all clear and straightforward. If you need anything, comment or email.

Keep on keeping on,

Mr M