Monday, 12 September 2016

Y12: Contextual Knowledge - Death of a Salesman


I'm not in on Thursday. You won't need to come to the lesson, just do the stuff below.

Here are the things I've asked you to do:

  1. Consider buying your own copy of Death of a Salesman (this edition is good, if you can get hold of it)
  2. Research the life, times and work of Arthur Miller. Come to next Monday's lesson with some interesting info to share.
  3. Join our Quizlet class here. This will be essential when I ask you to start learning quotes and key words.
  4. Put your email address into the 'follow by email' box ---->(up a bit)^^
  5. Read and re-read the contextual information in the document below:

Expect to be quizzed about tragedy and the context stuff above on Monday!

Mr M

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